
Mr. Subhash Chandra Khandelwal
Mr. Subhash Chandra Khandelwal handles the important portfolio of Human Resources and Procurement at Roucher. Though hailing from a remote village of Sirohi in Rajasthan, his aspiration was sky high. At the very young age he envisioned to carve a career in the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore he pursued his graduation in Pharmacy from the MS Ramaiah College of Pharmacy which gave him the insight into the pharmaceutical industry. He then moved to Africa, taking up the challenge of looking after his family business. The time spent abroad helped him earn his spurs and also to hone his skills in human resources management and procurement. The ever-changing demands and complexity of overseas market made him more mature and helped him gain greater insights in to the human psychology and behavioral patterns. This enabled him to develop winning strategies for the company by making best use of its manpower. Roucher gave him opportunities galore to prove his grit and evolve innovative motivational plans to develop a winsome team and in turn formulate best procurement practices to lead the market.